This week Joe and Cody discuss AirPods' ongoing delay, iCloud calendar spam, MUNI-hackers, Apple's abandonment of wireless routers, Netflix offline mode, CNN's acquisition of BEME, and so much more!

This week Joe and Cody discuss AirPods' ongoing delay, iCloud calendar spam, MUNI-hackers, Apple's abandonment of wireless routers, Netflix offline mode, CNN's acquisition of BEME, and so much more!

Links for this episode:

Tim Cook Says He Expects AirPods to Ship Over 'Next Few Weeks' in Email to Customer - Mac Rumors
Apple apologizes for iCloud calendar invite spam, actively ‘identifying and blocking’ senders | 9to5Mac
San Francisco Muni hacker gets hacked back | TechCrunch
Apple Abandons Development of Wireless Routers - Bloomberg
Downloads Make It Even Easier to Watch Netflix on the Go
CNN Brings In the Social App Beme to Cultivate a Millennial Audience - The New York Times
Beme is Shutting Down, But Our Work Is Just Starting – Medium
i sold my company to CNN - YouTube