It’s “In the News…” Got a few minutes? Get caught up! Top stories this week include: a look at Vitamin D in newly diagnosed kids with type 1, new study about bariatric surgery, type 2 and COVID, endos are the top specialty adopting telehealth and a look at a new movie about type 1 - find out why it also has backing from the Star Trek community!

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Hello and welcome to Diabetes Connections In the News! I’m Stacey Simms and these are the top diabetes stories and headlines of the past seven days. If you’re new we go live on social media first and then All sources linked up at diabetes dash connections dot com when this airs as a podcast.
Looking to get organized? Diabetes supplies can really add up and all that pump and CGM stuff or even shots and wipes and strips can clutter everything up. I’ve got a great new guide to help you out. It’ll get you started and keep you organized. That’s totally free and it’s over on the podcast homepage.
A new study adds to the idea that Vitamin D might help with type 1 diabetes in kids. These researchers look at young people ages 10-21 and found that a supplement of Vitamin D2 may improve insulin sensitivity and slow the increase of A1C for those newly diagnosed. This was over the course of a year. Very small study, fewer than 40 kids and teens, and all of them diagnosed for three months or less. A lot more to learn here.. but the study is in the Journal of the Endocrine Society.
This is more business news.. but something to keep an eye on.. RosVivo has signed with Eli Lilly for commercial development. Rosvivo has a drug said to be a game changer to treat diabetes and obesity. Lilly will now review and move it forward. The drug is said to restore the function of beta cells that secrete insulin, the cause of diabetes, and at the same time lowering insulin resistance. Animal studies only but we’re keeping an eye on this one.
Provention Bio has resubmitted the Biologics License Application (BLA) for teplizumab. This is the drug that shows a delay of clinical type 1 diabetes for three years. The FDA said “no” last year.. but it did so in a way that left the door open, so Provention has done what’s been asked and is now resubmitting. The CEO says quote - “We continue to proceed with a sense of urgency, recognizing that significant unmet need exists for patients and their caregivers.”
The link between high blood pressure and diabetes seems to come down to a small protein cell. An international team shows this glucagon like peptide called GLP-1 pairs up the body’s control of blood sugar and blood pressure. Doctors have known for a long time that high blood pressure and diabetes go together, but this is the first time the reason for that has been found in the body. GLP-1 is released from the wall of the gut after eating. It also stimulates a small sensory organ in the neck. These researchers say GLP-1 is just the start for more study.
More support for bariatric surgery as a treatment for type 2 diabetes. A study found that adults with obesity who had weight loss surgery and achieved “substantial weight loss” before contracting COVID reduced their risk for severe infection by 60% compared to those who didn’t have surgery. The study was conducted by researchers at the Cleveland Clinic. Previous studies have found that in obese patients with type 2, bariatric surgery sends it into remission more than 75% percent of cases.
Throughout the COVID 19 pandemic, endocrinologists have had the highest rates of… telehealth adoption. This study released by Doximity – we’ve spoken to them on the show – looked at telehealth claims from January 2020 to June of 2021. As expected, younger physicians used telehealth more than their older counterparts. And they say the research shows that telehealth can successfully help manage diabetes – and that it even lowers A1C in people with type 2. They don’t say why.. but I’d think it’s because it’s easier to get a visit in remotely. Interestingly they also did a top five for metro areas with the highest telehealth adoption. They were: Boston, Baltimore, Charlotte, Philly and San Francisco.
The World Health Organization is looking for people living with diabetes for an international focus group. They say they hope to foster solidarity and policy action between people living with diabetes, while acknowledging and highlighting differences in treatment and management needs between different types of diabetes. The focus group will be held March 9 and 10 live and online. We’ve linked up the survey you need to fill out to be considered.
An ambitious project to make a movie about type 1 diabetes in a dystopian world is moving along via kickstarter. Noah Averbach-Katz is an actor and writer and has lived with type 1 for more than 20 years. He says too often a disabled person is reduced to a plot point - a problem that gives the abled hero an opportunity to save the day. He wants to tell a story that captures the fears, trials, and experiences of a Type 1 diabetic. The Star Trek community is rallying behind this – Averback Katz and his wife Mary Wiseman are both part of the Star Trek Discovery series. The kickstarter goes until March 24th.
As we hinted last week, Omnipod has a fun crossover with Nintendo. The very popular Switch game, Animal Crossing now has a new diabetes-themed designed by Insulet. It’s known as Omnipod Bay, you add it to the game with a special code. Omnipod Bay features booths from selected diabetes charities as well outfits, diabetes supply bags and diabetes-themed areas and activities. I asked – no little podcast headphone as of this time! The game add-on comes just two weeks after Insulet’s Omnipod 5, was cleared by the FDA.
Our long format episode this week is with the Lauren Bongiorno, a diabetes health coach who is a terrific example of why it’s not a great idea to aim for perfect with diabetes. She shares how her A1C was basically perfect during college but that she… was miserable. And next week.. all about Eversense, the 6 month CGM.
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That’s In the News for this week.. if you like it, please share it! Thanks for joining me! See you back here soon.