It's "In the News..." Got a few minutes? Get caught up! Our top stories this week include increased risk of  type 2 after having COVID-19, CGM gets high marks as a telehealth device, Ypsomed pump picks a new partner, more study on the TB vaccine for type 1 and T1D: The Movie update! -- Join us LIVE every Wednesday at 4:30pm ET

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Hello and welcome to Diabetes Connections In the News! I’m Stacey Simms and these are the top diabetes stories and headlines of the past seven days. we go live on social media first and then All sources linked up at diabetes dash connections dot com when this airs as a podcast.
The news is brought to you by The World's Worst Diabetes Mom: Real Life Stories of Parenting a Child With Type 1 Diabetes. Winner of best new non-fiction at the American Book Fest and named a Book Authority best parenting book. Available in paperback, eBook or audio book at amazon.
People who recover from a mild case of COVID-19 appear to have an increased risk for subsequent new-onset type 2 diabetes… but not other types of diabetes. This is from a big new study in Germany. It lines up with previous studies of more seriously ill patients with COVID 19 who had increased rates of type 2 in the months following. This was more than 35-thousand patients – no prior history of diabetes. The risk of developing type 2 increased by 28-percent if the person had COVID, again even a mild case. The researchers say anyone who tested positive for COVID should be aware and get screened for diabetes in the months and years following.
Big new study that – interestingly – talks about the CGM as a telehealth device. It looked at how doctors continued to care for children with type 1 before and after the first year of the COVID pandemic. The use of CGMs increased significantly among those with non-commercial insurance… from 24 percent in 2019 to 35 percent by the end of 2020.
Another finding in this same study.. those with higher A1Cs, racial minorities, and those with non-commercial insurance were more likely to have high rates of DKA. But the implementation of telehealth and CGMs increased parental oversight which resulted in better care at home and lower than expected hospitalization rates. I want to dig a little deeper here because a lower hospitalization rate during the first year of the COVID pandemic overall.. was found to be tied to a lot of fear about going to a hospital during that time.
Swiss pump maker Ypsomed announces the software they’ll use for their automated insulin delivery. Ypsomed will partner with CamDiab’s CamAPS app. The launch will start in select major countries in Europe, with other territories to follow over the course of 2022. This includes a hybrid closed loop – like Omnipod 5 and Control IQ - as well as smartphone control.. it’s compatible with Dexcom’s G6. It’ll start on Android then roll out on iOS.. Ypsomed is partnering with Lilly to come to the US – we’ve had them on the show before talking about this. They hope to submit to the FDA this year.
The FDA is due to make a decision on Teplizumab by August 17th. This is a drug that has been shown to delay type 1 diabetes. Last year the FDA turned down Provention Bio, asking for a resubmission with more information. The company is also running the phase 3 PROTECT trial of teplizumab. That’s in newly-diagnosed type 1 diabetes patients. They hope to expanding the indications for the drug.
More study underway into the tuberculosis vaccine as a treatment for type 1. This is Dr. Denise Faustman’s lab – they’re recruiting 150 teen with type 1 for pediatric clinical trials of the shots. Faustman’s work is controversial because her studies have been very small and many experts say they don’t show significant improvement. But Faustman says the vaccine appears to help patients with Type 1 diabetes by altering their immune system and that even though no one in her trials is off of insulin, there is improvement.
If you’re watching live, today is the last day to back the Kickstarter for Type 1 The Movie. We talked about this on last week’s podcast episode – Noah Averbach Katz is an actor who lives with type 1 and is making a movie where diabetes is front and center. Since Noah and his wife are on Star Trek Discovery, that community has jumped in to really amplify this. It’s been great to see and he’s well over his goal. If you’re watching or hearing this after March 23rd, you can follow the link anyway to stay up to date on the project. I gave and I’m excited to see how it all turns out!
On this week’s long format episode we’re going on a deep dive about stem cell research with the folks at Viactye. They’re working on two fronts now.. encapsulation AND gene editing with the people at CRISPR. Next week you’ll hear from JDRF about the new non-profit insulin they’ve backed. Why will this effort from Civica RX be different? We’ll talk about it.
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That’s In the News for this week.. if you like it, please share it! Thanks for joining me! See you back here soon.