Diabetes camp is looking very different this summer as almost every program has shifted to a virtual experience. We talk to the people behind Clara Barton Camp, one of the oldest and well-established D-Camps in the country. Sam Stevens was diagnosed at age 5 and went to Clara Barton that very summer. She says she basically grew up there, becoming a counselor and now a volunteer helping coordinate their very first virtual experience.

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In Tell Me Something Good, an Emmy and an incredible story of perseverance and survival around COVID 19.

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Episode Transcription 

Stacey Simms  0:00

Diabetes Connections is brought to you by One Drop created for people with diabetes by people who have diabetes, and by Dexcom, take control of your diabetes and live life to the fullest with Dexcom.


Announcer  0:17

This is Diabetes Connections with Stacey Simms.


Stacey Simms  0:23

This week diabetes camp all right this year is really different. I'm not here to spin it like it's not. But many camps across the country are getting creative, including the people at Clara Barton, who are hosting a virtual experience


Sam Stevens  0:34

that there are kids who look like me sound like me act like me have my shared experiences. Even if we don't get to meet in person. I still know that they exist. I still connect with them. I still make friends.


Stacey Simms  0:50

That's Sam Stevens of volunteer and counselor at Clara Barton. She was diagnosed at age five and basically grew up going in Tell me something good TV me and an incredible story of perseverance and survival around COVID-19. This podcast is not intended as medical advice. If you have those kinds of questions, please contact your health care provider.


Welcome to another week of the show, I will be so glad to have you won. I'm your host, Stacey Simms. And if you are a longtime listener, you know that I'm a huge fan of camp, diabetes camp for sure. But regular summer camp, you know, any kind of programs that give kids more independence and give parents some time to themselves, which none of us are really having any experience with this, because we're all at home together. But I do love camp and I was so excited to have an opportunity to talk about what diabetes camps are doing in these really difficult times.

Both of my children started going to sleepaway camp when they were seven, eight years old Benny started at age seven for a week long diabetes camp, and they were both set at age eight to go To what I call regular camp, a non-diabetes month long program, and I've talked about that in the past a little bit more and in depth about how we did that. But I actually want to talk about my daughter for a second who doesn't live with type one, because the year she was supposed to go for the first time to regular camp, and the youngest you can be for this camp is eight years old and going into third grade, I want to say, but you have to be eight. And it's an option at that age to do a two-week program, which she was all signed up for. But this was in 2009. And if you recall, we had another big flu scare that year, that was H1N1, that was the swine flu.

I'm amazed that more people aren't talking about this now. Or maybe we did and we've just moved on because been talking about COVID for so long, but they closed down a lot of programs for H1N1back in 2009. And in our area, certainly here in North Carolina. It was a big fear. Now it passed very quickly. It was nothing like what we're experiencing now. But her camp was canceled, and it was devastating. I mean, she hadn't even been to camp. So she didn't even know what she was missing. But you know, we had signed her up. We had talked about it, you know, what was that experience and both of my kids are super independent. So she knew she was going to really enjoy camp. So as they called it, Swine 09 happened, she still has the T shirt from this camp, they sent everybody who missed camp that year, a T shirt with 09 on the back, my goodness. But it's wild for me to think that she missed her very first year of camp because of it. And Benny is missing his very last year as a camper at this camp. At this age. He's 15. He's going to be a sophomore in high school. That's your last year as a camper, then you can continue on with a special program next summer. And then after that, a counselor and training etc. But she says he's going to do which I think is great. I know there's been a lot of disappointment and events canceled. And this is just one of many, many, many things, but especially with diabetes, right camp is such a big influence on so many people. And I'm thrilled that so many camps are going to try to do it virtually, of course, it's not the same when you're talking about connection. I think it's wonderful. So we'll talk about that in a minute.

I have to tell you about something that has been sitting on my desk. Actually, it's a wrapper that's been sitting on my desk to remind me to tell you about this because we hated it a long time ago. But I've been meaning to tell you and this is gonna sound like a commercial and I guess it sort of is, but they're not paying me. But I wanted to tell you about NRG foods, it's the letters N R G. And I'll put a link in the shownotes Chris Ruden, who has been on the show before, tremendous athlete, world record holder. He has a prosthetic arm, you know, I'm talking about and if you don't, I will also link up our past shows with Chris Ruden. He was on the Titan games last year. really remarkable guy. He sent me a bunch of samples of the NRG bytes. Really, they were for Benny, I think he sent us six of different flavors, and Benny only got two because my husband and I got to them first.

They're really good. They're a smaller portion size than usual. And of course, that's how they're designed. They didn't want them to be too caloric. They're a size that's designed for, you know, a post workout replenishment. I guess we'll do a post podcast recording replenishment because I didn't work out when I eat them. But I thought they were really good. We've tried a lot of high protein bars in the last couple of years, as Benny has really been experimenting with different things that he likes. He is trying to be much more conscious, not just of carbs. He doesn't eat low carb, but of calories because he has lost some weight and he's doing really well. So the energy bytes, he said, were really good. And his review was, he does think they're too small. This is a 15 year old, but he likes that it has the protein. And he also says he understands he thinks why it's small, because you don't get that protein aftertaste. He says a lot of high protein bars that we've tried just are full of protein and you get this weird, he didn't describe it as chalky, but I would like a weird protein taste. So these are really good.

They come in three flavors, peanut butter, cran-almond and chia chocolate and I'm not a big fan of chia. So I was very skeptical, but I didn't taste it. I just tasted the chocolate and I was impressed with that. I do have a promo code for you. I'll link up the website for energy dash foods dot com and if you use the promo code Simms, that’s S I M M S, you will save 20% I told Chris I was going to be talking about it on the show, he offered the promo code. So I just wanted to get it out there and tell you what we thought. It's always really nice when you can support a business that a fellow person in the diabetes community is involved with. So thanks, Chris for sending those all the best with it. And again, all the info in the show notes.

Speaking of products owned by a person with diabetes, you know about this right Diabetes Connections is brought to you by One Drop, and it is so nice to find a diabetes product that not only does what you need, but also fits in perfectly with your life. One Drop is that the sleekest looking and most modern meter My family has ever used. And it's not just about the modern meter setup, you can send your readings to the mobile app automatically review your data anytime. Instantly share blood glucose reports with your healthcare team. It works with your Dexcom Fitbit or Apple Watch and they're awesome test strips subscription plan is amazing because many test strips as you need and they'll deliver them to your door did I mentioned the CEO lives with type one, One Drop diabetes care delivered, learn more, go to diabetes. connections calm and click on the One Drop logo.


My guest this week has been going to camp for as long as she can remember, Sam Stevens was diagnosed with type one at age five. She went to diabetes camp that summer and never looked back. This year, she's helping run something completely different, a virtual program for kids at Clara Barton camp and camp Jocelyn, both programs of the Barton center for diabetes education and independent nonprofit.

There are a lot of other camps with virtual programs this year, and a few that have gone ahead with their programs in person. Now, I asked about that in the Facebook group, which you should join if you're not already in it's Diabetes Connections the group. So you can find lots of information on camps there and just see what other people are doing around the country. Our diabetes camp program was cancelled this year. But Benny had decided not to go this year, which made me kind of sad he'd been going. He was seven years old. He was set for the regular camp I talked about earlier. And that was scotched as I mentioned that I am excited that the camps are going ahead to at least try to help connect campers with their community. So here's my talk with Sam Stevens.

Sam, welcome to the show. I know this is a very different kind of summer. So I appreciate you taking the time to kind of explain things. Thanks for being here. My pleasure. Thanks for having me. Before we jump into what what Barton and so many other diabetes camps are going to look like this summer. Let me just ask you a couple of quick questions about you and your experience because you have been going to diabetes camp, probably for as long as you can remember. Do you actually remember your first summer?


Sam Stevens  8:32

I do. I remember my first day. I remember where my bed was. I remember my trunk that I covered in stickers when I was six years old. And I remember it being the best experience of my life.


Stacey Simms  8:48

You were diagnosed right before you went to camp where you were just five years old when you were diagnosed, and then that was maybe the first summer that you were able to go.


Sam Stevens  8:54

That's exactly right.


Stacey Simms  8:56

Do you remember anything about your diagnosis at that tiny, tiny age? I mean, that's really young. To think back to but I'm curious.


Sam Stevens  9:03

Yeah, I actually, I remember being in the hospital, I remember that there was a fish tank in the hospital and the children that really liked going to. I remember being confused. And then I remember, you know, life obviously being different. But I think, I think in a way, I'm lucky that I got it earlier before I could really remember the stark difference between before having diabetes and after having diabetes. So for me, it's always just been normal life for me.


Stacey Simms  9:40

It does seem to me that going to diabetes camp can make it seem even more normal. I don't have diabetes, but just in my son's experience. It's so nice to be around other people going through the same thing, especially when you're a little kid. Did you know anybody at home who lived with type one, or was it just the summers for you?


Sam Stevens  9:57

It was just the summers. I didn't know Anyone and so exactly like you said, going to camp where everybody just gets it. Everybody just understands what you're going through when you say that you feel low or high you need to eat or can't eat is was so comforting to me and really taught me a lot I learned most of what I know about my diabetes management from camping even from my my friends and community in the years since camp


Stacey Simms  10:31

you I have to tell you I'm struggling a little bit with doing this interview this year because I'm such a big fan of camp and every year we talk about diabetes camp but I always in the back of my mind hope that a parent that has not yet sent their child will listen and feel really comforted and excited about camp and and really make the dive in and and as I'm talking to him thinking, but there is no camp this year. But there is kind of Camp let's let's talk let's try to look on the bright side of this because I know Gosh, so many camps. And people like yourself are working so hard to make sure there is a camp experience. Let's just start and dive right in. What is Barton doing this summer? Tell me about your virtual camp.


Sam Stevens  11:11

Great. So, Barton is running a virtual camp. What happened was a bunch of volunteers or alumni who you know all have been keeping intact, especially since the pandemic started, and a lot of people have sort of reconnected with friends. We all heard that camp was very, very sad, we canceled this year. And because it had such a profound impact on each of our lives, we got together and thought, hey, what can I do to help campers be able to experience that can't magic and not lose out on all of the value that they would without campus?


Stacey Simms  11:54

So this is pretty much a volunteer effort that that came about from from the alumni.


Sam Stevens  11:59

This is 100% volunteer effort sorted by alumni. And this also includes people who would have been counselors or admin staff to so multiple camp generations if you will.


Stacey Simms  12:15

I love it. That's fantastic. So you know, there's not going to be the campfires and the, you know, the bunks and all the stuff that happens in person. I assume it's more than a couple of zoom calls. Can you tell us a little bit about what you're planning?


Sam Stevens  12:29

Definitely. So we actually are going to have campfires and we are going to have cabins and of course they won't be in person. But what we've done is we've created a program where every day for a couple of hours a day, between two hours a day we have various different activities. those activities ranged from your typical, you know, arts and crafts or dance classes and stuff like that. To cabin time where we give you know every all campers have been assigned to cabins, and each of those cabins have dedicated counselor. So the counselors during their cabin times will facilitate definite games and icebreakers and pen pals and things of that nature. And then the third pillar is the all camp activity. So the campfires and the dance nights. And all of our amazing volunteers are recreating each of these programs virtually.


Stacey Simms  13:28

That's so great to hear. What's what is your hope for a new camper, right? Somebody who's seven years old and was just diagnosed or somebody who's 14 years old and doesn't know anybody, what would be your hope for a virtual program for somebody like that? Who doesn't know anybody.


Sam Stevens  13:44

So my hope for a camper who is brand new to camp is that they get that same feeling that I am not alone, that there are kids who look like me sound like me, act like me have my shared experiences Even if we don't, you know, get to meet in person, I still know that they exist, I still connect with them, I still make friends, and have that shared deep commonality of having that this profound thing in common. And I think it's a great way for people to improve their so especially if it's a younger kid or someone who just hasn't gone to camp before they can learn about it, they can experience it virtually. And then oh my gosh, this is how great it is to imagine how fun is this person and also get to experience it. And we're going to have sessions with health care providers, who will be there to answer questions and we do what's called scoop sessions, which it's an acronym for something and honestly, it's been around as a camper, and I have no idea what it stands for, but it's always


Stacey Simms  14:58



Sam Stevens  14:59

I think Maybe someone older and wiser than what it stands for. But that's rare. Health Educator will talk to campers either kind of in a question and answer thing. campers can kind of submit questions anonymously that they might not be comfortable talking about with, you know, a parent or a doctor that they need some more, you know, pure conversations about it can be a nutritionist to help teach carb counting, you know, things of that nature that I think especially for new campers, it just normalizes it, right? If if you just kind of are in your own isolated life, the only real touchpoint you have with your diabetes management is most likely at your doctor's office every couple of months, right? Sometimes people are lucky enough to know other people with type one or go to school with other people. But a lot of times kids are just isolated. So this is a real exposure to the fact that kids are not alone.


Stacey Simms  16:00

And I wonder too, sometimes there's a misperception that diabetes camp is all scoop sessions, right? It's just all diabetes education, you're gonna con gather round kids will sit in a circle and talk about how to change an inset. Yeah, where the opposite is really, really true. I would imagine that even in those sessions, it's more, you know, it's learning in a fun environment. But every diabetes camp is a little bit different. You know, so I assume that the learning experience at Barton is kind of just melded into the camp experience. Has that been your understanding and experience over your time there?


Sam Stevens  16:34

That's exactly right. We, it's it's integrated really organically on a daily basis in the sense that the cabin will do check their blood sugars together and give their insulin together which is constantly an education, educational opportunity for campers, especially those who are less familiar with pre qualifying or carb counting or Doing slight changes, etc. And again, that's just integrated throughout the day. So there's just a constant learning element, as well as the more times that are set aside for doing an education session. And while of course campers are, you know, often like, I don't want to go to school for this class, whatever the the team, you know, works really hard to make it fun. So we always play you know, games like diabetes trivia, or you know, card counting bingo and stuff like that, to really try to make it can't be. Yeah.


Stacey Simms  17:37

So let's talk about your camp experience because you were a very young camper. And you've obviously stayed you, you know, you were very young camper. Then I imagine you're a counselor, you're a volunteer, volunteer lead of this whole thing now. Um, why did you stick around for so long?


Sam Stevens  17:53

The people, it's honestly the people who I've met. They're their family. To me. We always camps family theory. These are people who have mad and grown up with that I literally trust with my life. We will just always be there for each other. And that's all because of camp. I would have never met these people, I would have never learned what everybody has been able to teach me if it weren't for camp.


Stacey Simms  18:22

And I know this year is unique. But is there anything that you'd like parents to know, whether their child is having a virtual session with diabetes camp? I mean, you know, generally, this is the part of the interview where we try to tell parents, it's gonna be okay, drop them off for the week, go on vacation. You know, obviously, none of that is happening. But I'm wondering if you do have a message for parents in this really unique year?


Sam Stevens  18:45

Yeah, I mean, yeah, my message is that first of all, we are just as sad.


Your campers, especially the counselors who were supposed to be staff this summer. I would have been absolutely devastated. I was planning on being a counselor, which was honestly even more fun than being a camper. And I learned that it was canceled. So everybody, you know, everybody's heart is hurting just the same thing, entirely a labor of love. People who I think, you know, similarly to me share the same experience from camp and really care so deeply and truly about it that we want to take the time to give that back and make sure that kids can experience it this summer. This is our first time doing this. I think it's kind of everybody's first time doing this. So it won't be perfect. We will, you know, kind of struggle through things at the beginning. I'm sure. We're all gonna be learning as we go. So, you know, I I asked that to be patient. As you know, this is a process that we're all learning together. But I think that at the end of the day, there will only be a positive experience for kids.


Stacey Simms  20:00

One of the things that my son really learned or at least came home, feeling like he was more confident about at diabetes camp was just meal times. You know, he was young when he started to go. Our sleepaway camp here starts at age seven, I think at the youngest. And he came home much more interested in what are the carbs on my plate, and I'm going to add them up myself and that sort of thing. And I'm sure that virtually things like that are challenged, but are you are you going to be addressing kind of what they're eating? I picture the kids like showing stuff on the screen about


Sam Stevens  20:32

So we won't be we won't have that level of involvement virtually, just as a nature of kids being at home and parents having different schedules with their own jobs, and you know, the volunteers having different schedules, so coordinating meal times would be really difficult. But I think that's a great idea to bring up with the counselors and maybe in a cabin, an activity could be okay. Send a send a picture of what you ate on the carb count to share it with everybody. And that could be a really good way to integrate that.


Stacey Simms  21:08

stump the counselors like what do you think this carb count is good? like peanut butter


Unknown Speaker  21:15

Good luck. Exactly.


Stacey Simms  21:19

That's really funny. Those are the experiences that only people with diabetes understand. Right? Those are the things you can kind of only do it diabetes camp. Um, can you tell us a little bit about some of the activities that you have planned? I mean, I'm just because I think it's hard for sometimes people to kind of understand what you see virtually, like, what can What can we do? So can you tell me a little bit about a couple of activities?


Sam Stevens  21:42

Yeah, definitely. So, so to start, each camper is being sent a camp supply pack, which has a couple of different activities that will set them up to be able to participate. So one example is In the arts and crafts, we're going to be building pipe cleaner ninjas. As well as doing the hand model with the, you know, just paper and colored pencils and straws and beads and pipe cleaners that are all being sent to campers right now. We're doing a game one of my favorite games, that's called Dutch auction.


Unknown Speaker  22:27

And the


Sam Stevens  22:30

this whole thing I would actually say kind of originated from Dutch auction, too. Best camp friends put together a group of alumni over Facebook, and said, Hey, does anybody want to play virtual Dutch auction next week? And there was about 20 of us who said, Yeah, let's play. And if you don't know what Dutch auction is, there's a couple ways that you can play it, but the way that we played it is that each round one person would be the judge, and the judge would come up with some sort of object. So it could be a pirate ship, or


something that floats are as kind of esoteric creative, things like that. And everybody gets three minutes to run around their house and create that object. And then everything comes back to the computer and presents what they made. And the judge awards, the you know, the best interpretation of that object, and then that person becomes the the judge. Nice, we had such a blast playing it. And that group of alumni you know, continue to stay connected over Facebook and it was that group that When we all heard thought camp was canceled this year, we got together and said, hey, what can I do? So we definitely wanted to make sure to include Dutch auction and virtual camp because who knows what, you know what genius will will come out of it.


Stacey Simms  24:18

But that's great, because it kind of all started from that idea. Right. You had you had an actual game, and then you wanted to get together and play it online. And then it came from there. I think that's fantastic.


Sam Stevens  24:29

Yeah. And I want to give a shout out to Melissa Moulton and Julia Roboto. Who are the the mothers of this, of this game and this group.


Stacey Simms  24:42

That is great. You know, hopefully, I think we're all keeping our fingers crossed that next year, things will go back to some kind of normal and we'll have you know, regular camps and kids programming and we can just focus on regular old diabetes stuff. I we don't know each other very well, Sam. But I assume that you are a confident and competent adult. You know, who is managing your own type 1 diabetes without your parents calling you every day to say did you bolus I mean, they might check on you, but they're probably not on you as much as they were when you were 567 years old, as much as


Sam Stevens  25:17

their wishes that he could call me every day.


We have we have cut that cord correct.


Stacey Simms  25:25

Listen, as a mom of a kid with type one, I sympathize. I get it. But not to put too fine a point on it or lead you. But it just does seem to me that diabetes camp does help so much in terms of that confidence and independence. Can you just speak a little bit to that before I let you go?


Sam Stevens  25:42

It absolutely does. As I've, as I've touched on. I think there's the two most important parts that have diabetes camp that really help kids with type one develop their their competence is number one. Just the the education part but also the policy of the education part. So just being you know, integrating and making diabetes management such a normal part of day to day and seeing your peers do it with you, they'll get a lot of confidence. And especially working with, with nurses and doctors and nutritionists, and having, being able for kids of all ages to have learning conversations about, Hey, I think I think I need 15 grams of carbs are going low in the afternoon, you know, let's let's work as a team to, you know, change my diesels, those kind of conversations are really great skill building experiences for kids that definitely build a lot of confidence with their diabetes management. And the second part is really the emotional support really giving people The confidence that just because you have diabetes, you are not broken, and you are not alone. There are hundreds of kids like you who all have fun. And all can be, you know, can giggle just as much as a kid without type one diabetes or go to, you know, go to dances and play sports, do arts and crafts, and do you know, all these other things that kids without diabetes do that throughout You know, every other every other month throughout the year, it's really easy to forget. And it's really easy to feel so different and so other eyes. So having that community of peers builds so much confidence on that emotional level.


Stacey Simms  27:44

That's great. And then on the our parting note here, there are a lot of great diabetes camps out there. I will say that my son's is the best. I love the people. It's the best in the entire country. Tell me why Barton is the best


Sam Stevens  27:57

to you. The people People that again I am, I'm a five year old camper who is now a 30 year old volunteer on campus and with me every single year of my life, it has that much of an impact. My, my, my friends have have grown up with me. Throughout all of those years, I'm sure that each diabetes can provide a lot of those really strong friendships, but I just can't imagine any place more special any people more special than Barton.


Stacey Simms  28:38

Well, that's fantastic. I'm so glad you came on. Good luck with the virtual camp. I'm thrilled that you did it. I know. It's gonna mean a lot to the families. So thank you so much, Sam, for coming on.


Sam Stevens  28:48

Thank you so much for having me and I will keep you posted with how everything goes.


Unknown Speaker  28:58

You're listening to Diabetes Connections. With Stacey Simms.


Stacey Simms  29:03

More information about the Barton program, there are different tracks or at least different sessions I should say. So you may still be able to sign up, I will put the information out there. And again, for other camps, please head over to the Facebook group. And you can check out the listing that is community sourced. So if you have some information you can add to that. I really hope these camps go well. I'd love to hear more if your child has participated in one if you're a staffer at one, and let us know you know how they go, is it something you'd continue even after in person stuff can happen again, I think there's going to be some cool programming coming out of this.

Tell me something good in just a moment. But first diabetes Connections is brought to you by Dexcom. And when you have a toddler diagnosed with type one, you hear rumblings for a long time about the teen years, but when it hit us at full force a little early. I'm so glad we had Dexcom Benny's insulin needs started going way up around age 11. As I said, He is 15 years old, he is 5’11 at least and that means he's grown like eight inches since he was 11. I mean with all the hormone swings, I can't imagine managing diabetes during this crazy time without the Dexcom continuous glucose monitoring system. We can react more quickly to highs and lows, see trends and adjust insulin doses with advice from our endocrinologist. I know using the Dexcom g six has helped improve Benny's agency and overall health. If your glucose alerts and readings from the G six do not match symptoms or expectations, use a blood glucose meter to make diabetes treatment decisions. To learn more, just go to Diabetes Connections comm and click on the Dexcom logo.


Alright, tell me something good this week. Christina Frank is a news anchor up in Maine. She does the morning news. Boy I did this for a long time. I don't know how early they get up for television. When I did radio I was out of my house by 330. I had to be there at four to go on at five. So I'm guessing if their show starts at five, they've got to be there earlier because they don't have to just go over everything they're writing and reading but they got all the hair and makeup Well, I gladly gave up. I did do mornings in Syracuse so long time ago. But Okay, back to Christina. So she is in our telling me something good segment because Christina Frank won an Emmy! Her team won an Emmy for best morning newscast in New England. So congratulations to you, Christina. That is just tremendous. Of course, Christina lives with type one. She has a little girl we talked about her baby on the show. She's been on the show. She's just wonderful. So I'm thrilled to just offer my congratulations to what I know is a really, really wonderful accomplishment.

Another Tell me something good comes from health line. Now health line is a fabulous news source. I think diabetes, mine is under the Healthline umbrella, but they're an online magazine, whatever you call it, a news source very carefully vetted health information. And this story just was amazing. So this is a woman from Salt Lake City, Utah, who has type one diabetes, multiple sclerosis asthma and is obese and she just survived. COVID-19 like in the house. hospital ICU saying goodbye to her family and made it through. And more McCarthy, who's a good friend of mine, as you know, did an amazing write up for health line. But this is about Kimberly Ishoy. And Kimberly, as I said, has all of those underlying medical conditions. So how do they think she made it through what happened here? Kimberly says, it was a combination of advocating for herself, but also being willing to do whatever the doctors asked her to do. And she and the doctors agree that her very active lifestyle made the difference. She's a distance cycler and she does triathlons. And yeah, she has all of those conditions that I mentioned, including being obese.

So how does she do all of that? Well, I think it's all of this misconception that if you're heavy, you can't also be healthy or you can't exercise but Kimberly has been doing the JDRF ride to cure diabetes since 2013. And once she knew she could do that, she says she moved on to five K's and triathlons. It says in the article she usually finishes last. But she finishes. And this is a wonderful quote from Kimberly. I personally think we are all created differently like flowers. She says, I will never be a violet or baby's breath. I am a sunflower a substantial woman. But I also know fat women can ride their bikes 100 miles. So that's something. It's a great article, I will link it up. I thought it was incredibly inspiring. It goes through in detail what happens when you're in the ICU with COVID it's a really terrific write up that way. And I'm thrilled of course that Kimberly is doing well and on the road to recovery.

Do you have a Tell me something good story, it can be as simple as a diverse serie something fun with your kids. And this time that we're going through, I think we need all the good news we can get. So let me know and just email me Stacey at Diabetes Connections calm or you can post in the Facebook group but tell me something good.

Usually at this time of year, I am getting ready to go to friends for Life, the big conference that happens every year, mid July down in Orlando, sometimes right after the Fourth of July, this year, it is a virtual conference. And we are prepping for that getting ready. Lots of fun things that are going to be online for you to participate in to watch and enjoy from the comfort of your home. I mean, the good news here is that nobody has to travel to Orlando where it's 500 degrees in July. But of course, we're really missing seeing everybody and I think it's going to be pretty bittersweet to do this conference where you know, two to 3000 people get together every summer, but they've done an incredible job of moving it online. I'm really proud and happy to be a supporter. So you will be hearing more on that.

Please follow along on social media. I am on Facebook and Twitter and Instagram and on Instagram. It's just Stacey Simms. other platforms have to but I on Instagram, I was late to the party and I don't think there's any reason to have to, and I'm not on tik tok, and I'm not on snapfish So, you know, famous last words maybe by the end of this, stay at home will be on every platform you can find Imagine. Thank you to my editor john Buchanan's from audio editing solutions. thank you as always for listening. I'm Stacey Simms. I'll see you back here next week until then, be kind to yourself.


Benny  35:15

Diabetes Connections is a production of Stacey Simms media. All rights reserved. All wrongs avenged