Jeff Ryan has lived with type 1 for more than 50 years. But he also has what’s called an essential tremor. Part of the treatment for that included using powerful magnets, which made thinking about diabetes tech.. a little different for Jeff. He talks about being diagnosed as a toddler in 1971, and how treatment for both his tremor and his type 1 have changed.. as well as the power of community for both conditions.

He recently got his 50 year Joslin Medal and shares how a photo of him in front of a Christmas tree in 1971 played a role. That photo was a bit of a mystery to Jeff for a long time, since he was diagnosed in October.

2001 story about Jeff's brain surgery:

This podcast is not intended as medical advice. If you have those kinds of questions, please contact your health care provider.

Check out Stacey's book: The World's Worst Diabetes Mom!

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