We discuss Aristotle’s account of the causes of revolution and the contempt of contemporary elites for those they govern.

Matt Parks and David Corbin explore the ideas behind today's headlines.

Opening and closing music from the beginning and end of “2020 Vision (Worse than Blind)” by Fred Lancia. Used with permission.

Opening (0:52) - We talk cold and Covid in New York, Tom Brady’s retirement, and the NFL playoffs.        

Required Reading (5:00) - We look at Aristotle’s account of the origins of revolutions, particularly the contests among groups over equality and inequality and then consider the causes for revolution at work in our politics, particularly the apparent contempt of political leaders for the people they govern. Links: Aristotle, The Politics; Justin Trudeau on truckers; Gavin Newsom story.

Gradebook (27:46) - We grade three of Tom Brady’s most historic seasons and the new name for Washington’s NFL team, the Commanders. Links: Tom Brady stats.    

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Matt Parks is the Interim Provost and an Associate Professor of Politics at The King’s College in New York City. David Corbin is Head of School at the Geneva School of Boerne, Texas. All views expressed in this podcast are those of the speaker.