Christian college professors Matt Parks and David Corbin explore the ideas behind today's headlines.

Part 1: Headlines - The killing of George Floyd has led to debates, protests, and violence centered on the problems of racism and police misconduct. Links: Rafael Mangual at City Journal; Seth W. Stoughton, Jeffrey J. Noble, and Geoffrey P. Alpert at The Atlantic; Andrew McCarthy at National Review; President Obama at Medium; Kellie Carter Jackson at The Atlantic; Yuval Levin at National Review.

Part 2: Required Reading - Professor Corbin assigns Homer’s description of the shield of Achilles from the Iliad, the introduction to Hannah Arendt’s On Tyranny, Martin Luther King Jr.’s “Letter from Birmingham Jail,” and Abraham Lincoln’s “Second Inaugural Address.” 

Part 3: Open the Grade Book - We grade President Trump’s performance over the last week.   

Part 4: Tocqueville's Crystal Ball - We predict something positive that will happen next week.

Opening and closing music are from the beginning of "Happy Life" by Ryan Andersen from his 2018 album, Americana volume 1. Available here. Licensed by Creative Commons.