We continue our discussion of the conditions necessary for Aristotle’s best regime with special focus on a robust public life.

Matt Parks and David Corbin explore the ideas behind today's headlines.

Opening and closing music from the beginning and end of “2020 Vision (Worse than Blind)” by Fred Lancia. Used with permission.

Opening (0:53) - We discuss the virtues of Administrative Assistants on their Hallmark Holiday.

Required Reading (1:43) - We reflect on chapters 8-12 of Book VII of Aristotle’s Politics, where Aristotle discusses the key elements of the happy city. Links: Aristotle, The Politics.

Gradebook (25:19) - We grade some key elements of the typical graduation ceremony and discuss our ideal ceremony.         

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Matt Parks is the Interim Provost and an Associate Professor of Politics at The King’s College in New York City. David Corbin is Head of School at the Geneva School of Boerne, Texas. All views expressed in this podcast are those of the speaker.