We reflect on the ways that circumstances, laws, and mores, especially religion, influence American democracy.

Christian college professors Matt Parks and David Corbin explore the ideas behind today's headlines.

Leading Off (1:59) - We discuss the death of Rush Limbaugh. Links: Fox News reporting the death of Rush Limbaugh; Andrew Klavan; Ben Domenech; Mark Steyn.    

Required Reading (7:10) - We reflect on the ways that circumstances, laws, and mores, especially religion, influence American democracy, based on chapters 8 and 9 of part 2 of volume 1 of Democracy in America and selections from Cicero’s Laws. Assignment for next week: the first half of the last chapter of volume 1 of Democracy in America (pages 302-348 in the Mansfield/Winthrop edition).

Headlines (31:30) - We talk about the republican virtues spoken of by Alexis de Tocqueville and American founders like John Adams and their counterparts today. Links: “America’s Can’t Do Spirit” at Axios; Rod Dreher, “The Snowplow Test”; Marty Makary in The Wall Street Journal.  

Open the Gradebook (45:40) - After a bad week for big-state governors, we grade the prospects of Andrew Cuomo, Gavin Newsom, and Greg Abbott continuing as the governors of New York, California, and Texas for another term. 

Tocqueville's Crystal Ball (52:30) - Last week, we both predicted correctly that more than 55 ½ Senators would vote to convict Donald Trump in his second impeachment trial with Dave getting the number of votes to convict (57) exactly right. Dave is now 7-3 in his 2001 predictions; Matt 4-6. This week, we predict how many quarterbacks will be traded between now and the NFL draft--and where. Link: CBS Sports list of quarterbacks that might be traded

Opening and closing music is from the beginning of "Happy Life" by Ryan Andersen from his 2018 album, Americana volume 1. Available here. Licensed by Creative Commons.

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Matt Parks is an Associate Professor of Politics at The King’s College in New York City. David Corbin is a Professor of Politics and the Vice President of Academic Affairs at Providence Christian College in Pasadena, California. All views expressed in this podcast are their own.