We discuss the legal battles over the results of the presidential election and the lessons for election integrity from this campaign season. 

Christian college professors Matt Parks and David Corbin explore the ideas behind today's headlines.

Part 1 (2:11): Headlines - We discuss the legal effort by the Trump campaign and others to challenge the results of the presidential election and the lessons for election integrity from this campaign season. Links: The Dispatch summary of election-related lawsuits; Andy McCarthy at National Review on the Texas lawsuit; Chip Roy on the Texas lawsuit; Andy McCarthy at National Review on Trump v. Raffensberger; Kelly v. Commonwealth of PA; Mark Levin on Pennsylvania mail-in ballot laws; James Bovard at The American Conservative on Election Integrity.  

Part 2 (33:16): Required Reading - Professor Corbin discusses Joshua Mitchell’s new book American Awakening: Identity Politics and Other Afflictions of Our Times in light of our recent discussion of our tribal American political culture. 

Part 3 (51:00): Open the Grade Book - As our students begin their final push to the end of the semester, we grade four finals week stress relievers: sports/exercise, therapy pets, food (pizza!), and movies (plus our #1 recommendation: sleep). 

Part 3 (56:39): Tocqueville's Crystal Ball - More mediocre results last week as we each finished 2-2 (the Gonzaga-Baylor college basketball game was cancelled), leaving Dave 18-36 and Matt 30-24 overall. This week, we pick: Navy at Army (CFB), North Carolina at Miami (CFB), Arizona Cardinals at New York Giants (NFL), Baltimore Ravens at Cleveland Browns (NFL), and the MLS Cup Final between the Columbus and the Seattle Sounders.    

Opening and closing music is from the beginning of "Happy Life" by Ryan Andersen from his 2018 album, Americana volume 1. Available here. Licensed by Creative Commons.

Matt Parks is an Associate Professor of Politics at The King’s College in New York City. David Corbin is a Professor of Politics and the Vice President of Academic Affairs at Providence Christian College in Pasadena, California. All views expressed in this podcast are their own.