We discuss Aristotle’s account of regime preservation, with a focus on education and the key qualities of statesmen.  

Matt Parks and David Corbin explore the ideas behind today's headlines.

Opening and closing music from the beginning and end of “2020 Vision (Worse than Blind)” by Fred Lancia. Used with permission.

Opening (0:52) - We reflect on our Super Bowl picks and talk about Dave accidentally calling Matt from a Geneva girls basketball game.       

Required Reading (3:29) - We discuss the means of preserving regimes outlined by Aristotle in Book V, chapter 8 of The Politics and apply them to American politics then look at his chapter 9 reflections on orienting education and statesmanship toward regime preservation. Links: Aristotle, The Politics; Land of Hope.

Tocqueville’s Crystal Ball (26:37) - We predict what President Biden will say about Russia-Ukraine, inflation, and democracy during his upcoming State of the Union Address. Link: RealClearPolitics approval ratings.      

Email: [email protected]

Matt Parks is the Interim Provost and an Associate Professor of Politics at The King’s College in New York City. David Corbin is Head of School at the Geneva School of Boerne, Texas. All views expressed in this podcast are those of the speaker.