(Karuna Buddhist Vihara) This dhamma talk and Q&A was offered on May 18, 2024 for “How do I apply the Dhamma to THIS!?!”

This is the eighth talk in the series on Pāramī or The Ten Perfections.

In this talk, Ayya Santussikā discusses two Pāramīs: Viriya (Energy, Effort) & Adhitthana (Resolve, Determination).

10:31 - Q&A
1:15:50 - Closing Announcements

Resources discussed in the video:

▸Book: Stillness Flowing https://www.abhayagiri.org/media/books/stillness-flowing%20-%202018-08-31.pdf

▸KBV Upcoming Teachings: https://www.karunabv.org/
▸KBV Vassa Support Opportunities: https://www.karunabv.org/vassa-support.html