The Venerable addressed the following questions raised by the audience in this episode:

Is there any beginner's guide to the school of the study of the consciousness?
Please explain non-conceptualization. 
It is difficult for ordinary people to achieve the purity of the six senses. But the 6th patriarch Dharma master of the Chinese Zen (Hui-Neng) said, "You already have that Buddha-nature in you, just go and become a Buddha." Why is that? 
The Buddha said that all things are impermanent. Is Enlightenment therefore also impermanent? Can one fall back into ignorance and rebirth after having attained Enlightenment? 
How can we put self-esteem and non-egoistic thinking together without falling into attachment? 
What is sexual misconduct in Buddhism? 
If I don't protect my Ego from others, will I not give them opportunities to hurt me? 
How to explain the phenomenon of the "Sacred Relics"? 
What is the significance of the Lying Buddha? 
How do you comment on Jesus? Is he a Buddha?