The following questions were addressed in this episode by the Venerable,

I read in the book you handed out a few weeks ago, that the Buddha Conservation Sutra has stated that a student of Buddhism should not start to learn Mahayana Buddhism without learning Theravada Buddhism. What do you think? 
Besides the Ego, what else is reincarnated with us? Is Ego our essence and identity? 
Venerable, you are teaching us concepts like non-ego, non-passion, but when we go outside to the world, we have to face and deal with our needs that come with the old age. How can we find the middle point where we can find these two things not in conflict? 
It's a real story. A young girl was very beautiful. With good Karma, she married to a millionaire, who is a very nice guy. But she became greedy and treated people around her very badly. What's happening to her? Is he changing her Karma? Can good people become bad?