Small Business Loans

 US small business administration - can help you with many topics from planning your business launching your business, to managing your business and growing your business just to name a few areas where they can help. 

In addition to these resources they also offer free business counseling, SBA guaranteed business loans, home and business disaster loans and Federal Government Contracting opportunities. 

What is a small business loan?  Loans for small businesses guaranteed by the US small business administration

How to get an SBA loan?  You can see the steps in the life of an SBA Loan here. 

Business Plan Meet with lender Loan application 

And keeps going for another 14 steps….


How risky are loans for small businesses?  

You risk losing you down payment, personal assets (if they were used for collateral) and damaging your credit.  More information on the riskiness of small business loans and how the SBA can reduce the risk. 

What is the best resource for small business loans?

5 Tips For Getting one of the Best Small Business Loans by Gerri Detweiler contributor for Forbes 

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