As you are about to hear in this PODCAST, to our Western sensibilities, Acts 2:23 plunges us into a theological quagmire of staggering proportions.

The age-old debate between God's Sovereignty and Human Responsibility.

But trust me. When Peter introduced this indictment of that Day of Pentecost crowd, he didn’t even flinch.

And therein lies the story.

Consider this: It’s verses like Acts 2:23 that have given rise to literally centuries of endless (and may I humbly suggest, pointless) theological debate. All the while, Peter’s words in this landmark verse are so wonderfully elegant in their economy—a rather modest 15 words in the Greek; though something of a more elaborate 31 words in our English (NIV) translations.

So here it comes. Acts 2:23. With its attendant theological quagmire. Hear it as it does…

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God bless you richly as you listen.