Did you know that there are nine different Greek words used in the New Testament to refer to grief, sorrow, sadness, mourning? Nine!

As you are about to discover in this PODCAST, there needs to be a variety of words because sadness is such a large part of our daily lives.

If you think about it, the whole of human history is a solemn story largely written with the ink our tears. 

Sorrow, sadness, grief, and mourning are often the threads of which the human tapestry is woven.

Yes, it’s OK to mourn, to feel sorrow, to know sadness, to experience grief. On multiple levels, with multiple levels of intensity. The biblical writers understood this, legitimized this (if I may use that word), so that we need not feel guilty, ashamed, or somehow unspiritual or spiritually inferior when we do.

Sorrow and sadness are legitimate human emotions.


In fact, there are times in each of our lives when it would be inappropriate not to feel sorrowful or sad, or to mourn. Indeed, there is a wealth of insight, a richness to the human experience that can only be realized in the shadows of life. As our Arab friends so often say, “All sunshine makes a desert.”

So it probably will not surprise you to learn that the word translated mourn in Matthew 5:4 — “Blessed are those who mourn, for they shall be comforted.” — is the strongest of those nine Greek terms.

Consequently, if you have ever mourned, or are mourning now, you will receive enormous comfort from God Himself as you listen to this podcast. Simply click HERE to listen in.

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