It was epic in the extreme. I have no doubt that nature held its breath. Every angel in Heaven craned their necks to get a better view. Every demon cheered their hero on, hoping against hope that finally Jesus would be destroyed, once and for all, even before His earthly ministry began.

How did the devil do it? How could he possibly think that he could win? What strategy did he employ in his efforts to topple the King of kings from His throne?

Would it surprise you to learn that he employs the exact same strategy today, against us? He does. Like a prowling lion, the Apostle Peter wrote, the devil is determined to defeat us. 

In this podcast, you will learn how he attempts it, how he sometimes succeeds, and God’s antidote against it.

Though I originally gave this message to my beloved flock at The Safe Haven, my throat was so sore and my voice so scratchy that what you are actually going to hear is virtually the same message as given to the precious high school students this Winter at Hartland Christian Camp.

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