As you are about to hear in this PODCAST, Jesus is in every book, 39 out of 39 books, in the OT.

Genesis: Jesus is the Seed of the woman (3).

Exodus: Jesus is the Passover Lamb (12).

Leviticus: Anointed High Priest (8).

Numbers: Brazen serpent (21).

Deuteronomy: The Promised Prophet (18).

Joshua: Captain of the Lord’s angelic army (5).

Judges: Angel of the Lord (2).

Ruth: Our Kinsman-Redeemer (2).

1 Samuel: The coming Messiah (2).

2 Samuel: Seed of David (7).

1 Kings: Thick cloud of God’s glory (8).

2 Kings: The Lord God of Israel (19).

1 Chronicles: The God of our salvation (16).

2 Chronicles: The God of our fathers (20).

Ezra: Lord of heaven and earth (1).

Nehemiah: God who keeps His Covenant (1).

Esther: The God of providence (Esther).

Job: Our Risen Redeemer (19).

Psalms: The King of glory (24).

Proverbs: Personification of wisdom (8).

Ecclesiastes: The God to be obeyed (12).

Song of Solomon: The one who loves selflessly (SoS).

Isaiah: The Suffering Servant (53).

Jeremiah: The Lord our righteousness (23).

Lamentations: The faithful / compassionate God (3).

Ezekiel: Lord who dwells with His people (48).

Daniel: The Son of Man (7).

Hosea: Picture of God’s redemptive love (3).

Joel: Giver of the Holy Spirit (Joel 2).

Amos: The plumb-line by which all is measured (7).

Obadiah: Destroyer of the wicked (1).

Jonah: The God of second chances (2).

Micah: Messiah to be born in Bethlehem (5).

Nahum: The Lord who is slow to anger (1).

Habakkuk: The Rock of our salvation (1).

Zephaniah: The King of Israel (3).

Haggai: The One who will bring peace (2).

Zechariah: King riding on a donkey (9).

Malachi: The sun of righteousness (4).

No wonder, then, that as Peter wrote in 1 Peter 2:2 (NASB), "Like newborn babies, (we) long for the pure milk of the word (including the so-called OT!), so that by it you may grow in respect to salvation."