В этом выпуске: довольно классический выпуск про базы данных: SpiceDB, PG; темы и вопросы слушателей. Шоуноты: [00:03:16] Чему мы научились за неделю [00:17:20] Intel’s strategy for outflanking Arm takes shape with bet on RISC-V Intel’s strategy for outflanking Arm takes shape with bet on RISC-V | Ars Technica Nvidia calls off its efforts to acquire… Читать далее →

В этом выпуске: довольно классический выпуск про базы данных: SpiceDB, PG; темы и вопросы слушателей.


[00:03:16] Чему мы научились за неделю
[00:17:20] Intel’s strategy for outflanking Arm takes shape with bet on RISC-V

Intel’s strategy for outflanking Arm takes shape with bet on RISC-V | Ars Technica
Nvidia calls off its efforts to acquire Arm – TechCrunch

[00:23:30] [Booster Database Talks] SpiceDB

SpiceDB: Flexible Permissions Database for the Internet Era (Jake Moshenko) — YouTube
[Vaccination 2022] SpiceDB: Flexible Permissions Database for the Internet Era (Jake Moshenko) — Carnegie Mellon Database Group
authzed: the managed permissions database for everyone
GitHub — authzed/spicedb: Inspired by Google's Zanzibar paper, SpiceDB is a database system for managing security-critical application permissions.
Zanzibar: Google’s Consistent, Global Authorization System – Google Research

[00:38:03] PostgreSQL 14.2, 13.6, 12.10, 11.15, and 10.20 Released!
[00:44:57] Waiting for PostgreSQL 15

Waiting for PostgreSQL 15 – Allow archiving via loadable modules. – select * from depesz;
Waiting for PostgreSQL 15 – Add UNIQUE null treatment option – select * from depesz;
Robert Haas: Server-Side LZ4 Backup Compression
git.postgresql.org Git — postgresql.git/commit
git.postgresql.org Git — postgresql.git/commit

[00:57:09] [В закладки] Videos of the presentations from PgConf NYC 2021
[00:57:54] [В закладки] Видео c FOSDEM 2022
[01:00:56] [В закладки] Meow. PgBouncer rewritten in Rust, with sharding, load balancing and failover support
[01:08:36] Темы и вопросы слушателей для 0370

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Голоса выпуска: Саша, Света, Валера, Ваня.

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Фоновая музыка: Plastic3 — Corporate Rock Motivation Loop 4

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