116 Clique || 13 Letters Studying the Bible is one of the most important skills a Christian can learn. It’s a skill that gives the Christian the knowledge needed to mature and please the Lord. Unfortunately, this isn’t something a lot of Christians are taught & it’s assumed they’ll just know how to do it. Not knowing how to study leaves a Christian’s personal times of study in shambles; or worse, they aren’t reading their Bible at all. Outside of church on Sunday, a lot of Christians don’t even know why they should take time to open their Bibles. This is why we are looking at the importance of digging into God’s Word. Simply put, if you want to know God, you need to dig into his Word. Think for a minute about all of the meaningful relationships in your life. How much time have you invested in them? If you’re like most people, you’ve spent countless hours nurturing your relationships and getting to know these people. If that is true, the same has to be true for our relationship with God. If we are going to learn about him, learning what he likes & dislikes, then we have to

116 Clique || 13 Letters

Studying the Bible is one of the most important skills a Christian can learn. It’s a skill that gives the Christian the knowledge needed to mature and please the Lord. Unfortunately, this isn’t something a lot of Christians are taught & it’s assumed they’ll just know how to do it. Not knowing how to study leaves a Christian’s personal times of study in shambles; or worse, they aren’t reading their Bible at all. Outside of church on Sunday, a lot of Christians don’t even know why they should take time to open their Bibles. This is why we are looking at the importance of digging into God’s Word.

Simply put, if you want to know God, you need to dig into his Word. Think for a minute about all of the meaningful relationships in your life. How much time have you invested in them? If you’re like most people, you’ve spent countless hours nurturing your relationships and getting to know these people. If that is true, the same has to be true for our relationship with God. If we are going to learn about him, learning what he likes & dislikes, then we have to get to know him. Since God does not have a physical body we can talk to face-to-face, we have to look elsewhere. The primary means we’ve been given for learning about God is the Bible.

Although 2 Timothy 2:15 is written to someone whose primary role is teaching the Bible, it can just as well be applied to every Christian. The text tells us that we need to be the kind of person who accurately handles and understands the Bible. The person able to do this is someone who has spent a lot of time studying it. Paul tells us in 1 Corinthians 2 that we cannot obtain this knowledge about God in any other way. Sure, we can learn some things about God through natural observation, like that he’s a designer and creator, but we cannot learn the finer details of who he is. Yet, Christians are equipped with the Bible and the Holy Spirit, which allow us to know his heart and character.

The only way this can be done is by spending time studying the Bible. It’s a lot like learning in school. You can either learn just enough to pass a test, or you can learn the material well enough to apply its principles more broadly. The person who only learns for the test quickly forgets the material, whereas the studious person has learned it for a lifetime & can build upon their knowledge. As Christians we can be like the first person and only read a verse or two & call it good, or we can pore over the Scriptures and have a deeper relationship with God. The latter person is the one who will have a more fruitful Christian life. The Bible has all we need to know God and lead a life of godliness, so, will you dig in?

Dig Deeper

Read 2 Peter 1:20-21. If nothing is up to our own interpretation, what steps can you take to make sure you properly understand what you’re reading in the Bible?
Read Psalm 111:2 and Acts 17:11-12. Why were the Bereans commended over the Thessalonians? What steps do you need to take to have those same characteristics?
According to 2 Timothy 3:16-17, where does Scripture come from? In what ways is the Bible applicable to our lives?



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Background music: Jaq “Shoot the Hinge” & “In the Cut” from album Escape from Radio Prison (Instrumentals) – courtesy of Illect Recordings