This episode is an interview with Mathias Verraes. Mathias is an independent consultant, based in Belgium. He advises companies on how to build enterprise applications for complex business domains. As a team leader, he helps developers to use best practices. He specializes in curing large legacy projects: writing tests for untestable code, refactoring to Domain Driven Design, and giving applications a second life. Follow Mathias on twitter: @MathiasVerraes

This interview was recorded on the 2nd of November 2014 in Kortrijk.
Interview by @freekl and @pjvds

Links for this podcast:

Mathias blogs on
He offers several workshops
Book: Domain-Driven Design by Eric Evans
Book: Implementing Domain-Driven Design by Vaughn Vernon
More on Event Storming
Mathias is one of the founders of DDD Belgium
There are also 'chapters' in Copenhagen, Paris and Krakow
DDD eXchange by skillmatter is the yearly DDD conference
We mention HHVM/Hacklang (Facebook's backwards compatible PHP replacement)
The PHP Specification:
Presentation: Modelling By Example (Using BDD to drive both the UI and domain model)
Behat (a BDD framework for php) and PHPSpec were mentioned.
In the interview we mention PHP implemented in PHP, but mixed up and
More info on FP with DDD through Cyrille Martraire and fsharpforfunandprofit
Book: Working Effectively with Legacy Code by Michael Feathers
Book: Refactoring by Martin Fowler


This podcast is in English - Deze podcast is in het Engels

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