Dave Thomas is the Founder and Chairman of Bedarra Research Labs, which specializes in emerging software technologies and practices. Dave is a popular speaker with an impressive breadth of business experience and technical depth. He is an ACM Distinguished Engineer and has served on the awards committee for the past 3 years. He is also an adjunct research professor at Queensland University of Technology in Australia and Carleton University in Canada. Dave serves on the program committees for many technology conferences and is founder of the YOW! Australia conference.

In this interview Dave shares his views on how to deal with large legacy systems and still be innovative. We also discuss his opinions on software development methods and education. Be ready for some strong opinions!

This interview was recorded on the 19th of June 2013 at the GOTO Amsterdam conference

Interview by @freekl and @marcelvanommen

Links for this podcast:

Dave's website on http://www.davethomas.net has info on his publications and presentations
Dave's slidedeck for his presentation "Legacy Evolution - The Innovation Opportunity" is available from the GOTO website here.
From the GOTO conference 2011 is Dave's talk 'Mature legacy seeking sexy new technology for fun and profit extracting gold from legacy code'
For more GOTO conference talks, go and subscribe to the youtube channel

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