This month we bring you an interview with Arnoud Engelfriet. Arnoud is IT-lawyer and patent attorney. He is partner at the dutch firm ICTRecht , and his website Ius mentis is one of the most comprehensive sites in The Netherlands on internet law, technology and intellectual property. Arnoud writes on many (Dutch) websites like Tweakers,, Slashdot and Rechtenforum. He is also teaches part-time at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam.
In the interview we cover a broad range of topics regarding the law and ICT, such as licences, copyright and patents.

This interview was recorded on the 23th of April 2013 at the ICTRecht offices in Amsterdam

Interview by @freekl and @arnetim
Audio post-production by @mendelt

Links for this podcast:

Ius mentis: Arnouds website on law and technology (in Dutch).
Book : 'De wet op internet' (in Dutch) Arnoud Engelfriet, 2012.
‘A History Of FOSS Law And Licensing’)(pdf) , A.P. Engelfriet. In: The International Free and Open Source Software Law Book, IFOSSLR sept 2011.
A list of Arnouds publications is available on
More on software licenses on wikipedia.
'Github needs to take Open Source seriously', Simon Phipps on InfoWorld, nov 2012
Dutch member of parliament Henk Krol convicted of 'computervredebreuk' (in Dutch).
Report (in Dutch) on the preliminary discovery of the christmas address of HM Queen Beatrix 2012 via url manipulation.

This podcast is in English - Deze podcast is in het Engels

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