In this episode an interview with James Coplien, where we cover a range of topics from his book Lean Architecture for Agile Software Development. We talk about the role of design and architecture in agile software development and discuss DCI architecture.

More on James and his publications is available on
He's on twitter as @jcoplien.

This interview is recorded on the 26th of April 2011 at the TTY offices in Amsterdam.
Interview by @freekl and @arnetim.
Audio post-production by @Mendelt.

Links for this podcast:

'A Comparative Case Study on the Impact of Test-Driven Development on Program Design and Test Coverage', Maria Siniaalto & Pekka Abrahamsson, ESEM '07 Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement.(PDF)
'Does Test-Driven Development Improve the Program Code? Alarming Results from a Comparative Case Study', Maria Siniaalto & Pekka Abrahamsson, Proceedings of the First International Symposium on Empirical Software Engineering and Measurement, 2007. Also in the book Balancing Agility and Formalism in Software Engineering.
'A story about user stories and Test-Driven Development - Chapter 1: The Setup', Gertrud Bjornvig, James O. Coplien and Neil Harrison, Better Software, November 2007.
'A story about user stories and Test-Driven Development - Chapter 2: Into the Field ', Gertrud Bjornvig, James O. Coplien and Neil Harrison, Better Software, December 2007.
'What is the problem with Test Driven Development? Interview with Jim Coplien. Lean Magazine, January 2010
'Does Test-Driven Development Really Improve Software Design Quality?', D.S. Janzen & H. Saiedian, IEEE Software, March-April 2008 (PDF)
Artima series on DCI Architecture
James' debate with Uncle Bob Martin on TDD, CDD and profesionalism
DCI tutorials from Oredev 2009 are available here.

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