This is another episode in our series of interviews with technical startups, this time featuring an interview with Guntur Sandino, founder and CEO of CleVR. This company is building VRET (Virtual Reality Exposure Therapy) systems, which are used to help people deal with anxieties such as fear of flying, fear of heights or claustrophobia or psychotic disorders, such as paranoia. We talk about some of the technical details of building these systems, and about the business challenges involved in creating a company around the developed products.

This interview was recorded on the 18th of Dec 2012 at Yes!Delft.

Interview by @freekl and @felienne
Audio post-production by @mendelt

Links for this podcast:

For more information visit the CleVR website
CleVR is a spin-off company from the VRET research group of the Delft University of Technology
Yes!Delft is the high-tech entrepreneurs centre in Delft where CleVR is based
At the time of the interview CleVR was one of 4 final candidates for the Shell Livewire Award. In the end the winner was Fonckel, another tech startup.
CleVR uses tools like the Vizard engine to create virtual environments.
We talk about Exposure Therapy in general and the effectiveness of VRET

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