We continue our interview with Irina Poddubnaia of TrackMage to discuss the benefits of SAAS solutions, why they chose them, and how to distinguish your solution from the pack. This delves into many practical challenges for building traditional software. Then, we switch gears to focus on how a similar solution can differ in critical areas.

Delivery Over Packaging

The bottom line of benefits of SAAS solutions is that you can focus on delivering features over platform configuration headaches. Rather than spend time tightly integrating into an OS or device, a SAAS approach tackles that once, and then developers can move forward, adding features and resolving bugs. Yes, there are some admirable aspects of an installed application, but how often would you rather have features than that level of accessibility?

Different Goals

There are many ways to deliver software in the modern world. These range from plugins, to applets, to installed applications, SAAS, and more. These products may also be focused and simple to create or full-featured and highly complex. The challenge with selling your product comes down to highlighting where it fits in the mix. Customers are not always clear on how the options compare. While this is one of the benefits of SAAS products, i.e., you can quickly add those quick-to-build features and make them available. It also can be confusing. Customers may see a simple plugin providing one or two features you offer and try to equate the products. It is up to you to craft the story for your product and why the other options fall short.

A Little Background

Irina is a SAAS founder and a business consultant specializing in Operations and Processes Optimization. Irina has over eight years of experience in eCommerce with its different challenges and obstacles. These span from running a fulfillment center in China, where she was living for over two years, to launching her own SAAS "TrackMage." TrackMage allows eCommerce stores 5-10% extra sales by simplifying the customer experience. Likewise, it will enable them to track their products on the platform and do the upsell, then automatic follow-ups for reviews.

Free ebook: https://trackmage.com/flywheel-extra-sales/
Irina's Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/irina-poddubnaia
TrackMage Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/34952655/

Track Mage Site: https://trackmage.com/

The E-Book Free ebook "How To Make 5-10% Extra Sales On Autopilot Without Increasing Your Ad Spend Or Hiring More Staff." Here is the brutal truth about eCommerce: Most eCommerce sellers focus on getting traffic to their stores. Paid ads, affiliate promotions, events, direct outreach, SEO, etc. The thinking goes like this: traffic -> paying customers and more traffic -> more paying customers. So, all this becomes a race to get as much targeted traffic as possible. While doing that, they forget about existing customers. Do you know that it costs you five times more to acquire a new customer than it takes to keep an existing one? The probability of selling to an existing customer is 60-70%, while the chance of selling to a new prospect is 5-20%In this guide, she explains how you can drive back traffic to your store after purchase and make 5-10% extra sales by upselling your existing customers. All this while they are waiting for their orders. This technique doesn't require coding and is easy to apply.

We continue our interview with Irina Poddubnaia of TrackMage to discuss the benefits of SAAS solutions, why they chose them, and how to distinguish your solution from the pack. This delves into many practical challenges for building traditional software. Then, we switch gears to focus on how a similar solution can differ in critical areas.

Delivery Over Packaging

The bottom line of benefits of SAAS solutions is that you can focus on delivering features over platform configuration headaches. Rather than spend time tightly integrating into an OS or device, a SAAS approach tackles that once, and then developers can move forward, adding features and resolving bugs. Yes, there are some admirable aspects of an installed application, but how often would you rather have features than that level of accessibility?

Different Goals

There are many ways to deliver software in the modern world. These range from plugins, to applets, to installed applications, SAAS, and more. These products may also be focused and simple to create or full-featured and highly complex. The challenge with selling your product comes down to highlighting where it fits in the mix. Customers are not always clear on how the options compare. While this is one of the benefits of SAAS products, i.e., you can quickly add those quick-to-build features and make them available. It also can be confusing. Customers may see a simple plugin providing one or two features you offer and try to equate the products. It is up to you to craft the story for your product and why the other options fall short.

A Little Background

Irina is a SAAS founder and a business consultant specializing in Operations and Processes Optimization. Irina has over eight years of experience in eCommerce with its different challenges and obstacles. These span from running a fulfillment center in China, where she was living for over two years, to launching her own SAAS "TrackMage." TrackMage allows eCommerce stores 5-10% extra sales by simplifying the customer experience. Likewise, it will enable them to track their products on the platform and do the upsell, then automatic follow-ups for reviews.

Free ebook: https://trackmage.com/flywheel-extra-sales/ Irina's Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/irina-poddubnaia TrackMage Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/company/34952655/

Track Mage Site: https://trackmage.com/

The E-Book Free ebook "How To Make 5-10% Extra Sales On Autopilot Without Increasing Your Ad Spend Or Hiring More Staff." Here is the brutal truth about eCommerce: Most eCommerce sellers focus on getting traffic to their stores. Paid ads, affiliate promotions, events, direct outreach, SEO, etc. The thinking goes like this: traffic -> paying customers and more traffic -> more paying customers. So, all this becomes a race to get as much targeted traffic as possible. While doing that, they forget about existing customers. Do you know that it costs you five times more to acquire a new customer than it takes to keep an existing one? The probability of selling to an existing customer is 60-70%, while the chance of selling to a new prospect is 5-20%In this guide, she explains how you can drive back traffic to your store after purchase and make 5-10% extra sales by upselling your existing customers. All this while they are waiting for their orders. This technique doesn't require coding and is easy to apply.