One of the things we have seen through many interviews is the idea of success through perseverance. It is more than not quitting; it is driving forward. Obstacles are a part of life, and we can either let them stop us or find a way through them. It is an over-simplification to focus on not quitting. We also can not succeed by simply treading water.

  We All Stumble But Can Find Success Through Perseverance

Every success story seems to have numerous setbacks that have to be addressed. In fact, taking a step backward seems like a regular occurrence as we grow. We have to balance that with two or more steps forward after we regress. Those who succeed share that view of a step back as a sort of preparation for growth rather than some loss or negative. The step backward does not count as a true setback if we can work through it and advance. It's sort of like taking a step back to go around an obstacle rather than beating our heads against it.

Set Your Course

Pick your path, choose your goals, and march. You can assume that there will be challenges and times that you can quit. However, you will not fail if you keep striving and driving forward. Persevere!

Useful Articles And Episodes

We all can use some motivation, and here are some past episodes that can help.

Personal Motivators And Drivers - Find The Right Approach

Self Care For High Performers - Shaunna Lee

Side Hustle Success Through Perseverance