Welcome to Building Better Developers, your go-to destination for continual professional and personal improvement. In our debut YouTube episode (Season 21 podcast), hosts Rob and Michael reveal the inner workings of their weekly discussions. Including invaluable experiences and the lessons they learn while tackling challenges in their respective businesses. Today, they're offering an exclusive peek into their entrepreneurial journey experiences and unveiling strategies for a successful business launch.

First, we open the discussion with Michael, formerly at the helm of Meloche Consulting, who has recently made a move to launch a new company, Envision QA. This company has a niche focus on quality assurance audits and assessments. Rob and Michael discuss what it takes to start a business. Including defining a niche, establishing a brand, and setting up a business entity. Priceless insights for budding entrepreneurs.

Strategies for a Successful Business Launch

Start with an idea.

Do some market research.

Design Logo and branding.

Register your company.

Register a Domain.

Setup a Website.

Get a company email.

Pay Attention to Your Brand.

Next, they explore the critical realm of branding and logo design, drawing from their experiences with platforms like 99designs. They underscore the significance of crafting a brand identity that resonates across various mediums, ensuring maximum visibility and consistency. Rob also gave an example of what can happen when your branding color look good on paper, but when they are put to use on PDF or a websote they appeared much differenterently. Therefore, it is always a good idea to pay attention to how your brand comes together, test it on different media, and get some friends to help give you feedback.

Throughout the discussion, they emphasize the importance of perpetual learning and adaptability in the fast-paced landscape of technology and entrepreneurship. By encouraging you to explore their array of resources. These include our comprehensive video series, "Launch an Internet Business," and our courses available on develpreneur.com

Online Resources:

Small Businesses Self-Employed

School Develpreneur

Launch an Internet Business

YouTube Channel and Videos

In summary, we provide practical insights, relatable anecdotes, and a treasure trove of strategies for a successful business launch. With our unwavering commitment to growth and improvement, we are dedicated to empowering you on your journey to success in the tech industry.