We start an interview with Jason Skeesick and learn about the spirit of the puppy. However, that is the tip of the iceberg. He has an incredible story and leads a mastermind group and a business focused on mindset. That is where we spend most of our time as we delve into what makes us tick. Likewise, we find out where our strengths lie.

Spirit Of The Puppy?

I found Jason's mindset description of the spirit of the puppy very suitable. It is very different from his other trait, the military mindset. Nevertheless, Jason has found a way to marry those traits into a prescription for his success. He learned how to use what he has and what he needs as a roadmap for his business. Now, he takes us through his story and how we can use it to find and leverage our strengths.

The secret sauce is passion. We each have that in the right situation. We just need to find out what works best for us. That will be the path that keeps us excited and driven even when times are tough. That is the way we persevere and find success as well as happiness.

About Jason

Jason Skeesick is a US Army veteran, coach, and entrepreneurial evangelist.
He is a father, husband, fighter, and carrier of heavy things.

His company, Spear and Clover, helps businesses with passionate leaders, talented teams, and strong playbooks go from contenders to Dynasty Organizations.

He leads The Spear and Clover Mastermind a large group of like-minded entrepreneurs united in helping one another impact the world with their unique missions.

Jason hosts the weekly Spear and Clover Podcast on Youtube and across all audio platforms.

A Special Offer

Check out: www.spearandclover.com

Book a FREE test drive of their bi-monthly mastermind for entrepreneurs!
Each session features a new expert guest speaker and small group breakout mastermind sessions!

We start an interview with Jason Skeesick and learn about the spirit of the puppy. However, that is the tip of the iceberg. He has an incredible story and leads a mastermind group and a business focused on mindset. That is where we spend most of our time as we delve into what makes us tick. Likewise, we find out where our strengths lie.

Spirit Of The Puppy?

I found Jason's mindset description of the spirit of the puppy very suitable. It is very different from his other trait, the military mindset. Nevertheless, Jason has found a way to marry those traits into a prescription for his success. He learned how to use what he has and what he needs as a roadmap for his business. Now, he takes us through his story and how we can use it to find and leverage our strengths.

The secret sauce is passion. We each have that in the right situation. We just need to find out what works best for us. That will be the path that keeps us excited and driven even when times are tough. That is the way we persevere and find success as well as happiness.

About Jason

Jason Skeesick is a US Army veteran, coach, and entrepreneurial evangelist. He is a father, husband, fighter, and carrier of heavy things.

His company, Spear and Clover, helps businesses with passionate leaders, talented teams, and strong playbooks go from contenders to Dynasty Organizations.

He leads The Spear and Clover Mastermind a large group of like-minded entrepreneurs united in helping one another impact the world with their unique missions.

Jason hosts the weekly Spear and Clover Podcast on Youtube and across all audio platforms.

A Special Offer

Check out: www.spearandclover.com

Book a FREE test drive of their bi-monthly mastermind for entrepreneurs! Each session features a new expert guest speaker and small group breakout mastermind sessions!