Our conversation with Annelise Worn concludes with a deeper look into remote team building and how to make sure you get the right people. The world has gotten smaller. Thus, it is now possible to hire across the globe, no matter the size of your business. That has good and bad for someone starting out. There is a need for skilled workers, but they can be challenging to interview and assess. We discuss some great ways to determine whether a prospect is a good fit for your team.

Be Intentional About Remote Team Building

The underlying message in our discussion is to be intentional and thorough in your approach. Building a team that is best suited for your business takes time. It requires good interview questions, a good plan for what is needed, and often a little trial and error. Do not be afraid to be slow and methodical as you assess and build your company.

About Annelise

She supports solo service providers that step into their role as CEO. She does this through simple but robust marketing, business, and automation systems. Why? So they can stop trading time for money, live life on their terms and make a difference in the world.

Her clients are on a mission. Hers is helping grow their business.

If that's you - you likely feel like:

- You're spinning your wheels
- There's no time left in the day to work ON your business
- Your results are not matching your effort (or your investment)

and what you are likely looking for is:

- Clarity in your strategy
- A simpler marketing and business model
- Support in implementing

Are you nodding your head? Then you need to have a conversation with her.

She supports clients via:

Freeceo: An all-in-one marketing, sales, and client management software platform (plus marketing mentoring) for service-based business owners wanting to simplify and grow.

The CEO Incubator: A 12-month program for overworked solo service providers ready to claim their title as vibrant, freedom-based business leaders. The focus is on systemizing marketing and sales and building a dream team to support excellence in operations.

1:1 Coaching: Strategy & accountability for high-level women who are serious about up-leveling their business to 7+ figures. (Limited availability. DM to enquire.)

Get In Touch

Her free resources:

The Mumstyle Business Podcast

The Impact Business Show (Seasonal)

Text Community - empowering, tough love direct to your phone via SMS every few days.

Find out more: anneliseworn.com