We continue our discussion with Anne Laffin and cover big-picture topics like online communities and marketing. The suggestions and impact often blur into building a brand. However, that is an essential step in getting your message to the correct people. She shares her experience with us so we can reach our ideal customers and those who most need our product or service.

The Value Of Online Communities And Marketing

Consistency and message are critical pieces of the brand establishment puzzle. These factors of our approach can go a long way in establishing us in the way we desire. In a similar fashion, the establishment of online communities and marketing go hand-in-hand. We can build a form of captive audience but one that has self-selected their way in.

About Anne

She is a marketing problem solver, strategist, and content creator who helps entrepreneurs and founders grow and amplify the inspiring work they bring to the world. Her 'in the trenches' mentality comes from a 20-year marketing career working with various companies. They were large and small (including start-ups) in the market research, tech, financial services, and animal health industries. In 2020, she started "Fin Marketing" (the name plays off her last name and love for water). It is a marketing consultancy for early-stage start-ups. However, long before any of those things happened, she received a B.A. in Communication from Villanova University and an M.S. in Interactive Media from Quinnipiac University.

Get In Touch

Check out her website: https://www.finmarketingm.com/

You can book a consultation and gain more insight from her experience and skills.