We wrap up our discussion we Amy Harrop by talking about the modern gateway drug for monetizing content that has sucked in so many people, including her. Yes, we talk about Amazon and all their amazing tools. However, they are not the only game in town. For example, there are many similar offerings from Google, Microsoft and a wide host of other providers. It is overwhelming to think about all of the options one has to start a business that can compete with huge enterprises.

There Is No Excuse For Not Monetizing Content

This may be an episode that gets you feeling a bit like an under-achiever. Amy has helped countless people launch their business through the use of many of these tools and makes it sound easy. However, there is still work required and that is where her courses come in. We need to be disciplined and thorough with content products including books, e-books, and tutorials. Thus, we have a lot of power to create content and with that power comes great responsibility.

A Little Background

Amy lives in beautiful northern Idaho with her husband and pet family. She has a B.A. in Film Production from San Francisco State University and years of training, content creation, and publishing experience. She is committed to helping people like you achieve your dreams through profitable content. Likewise, she is fulfilled when putting her knowledge and research to work for other people.

Learn More about Amy at https://amyharrop.com

Learn More Today A great way to get more from Amy right away is to check out her youtube channel. For example, you can see all the latest tips and tricks here: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC30BTa5_BMzMvQHlcto2-JQ