We continue our discussion with Jason Cercone by looking at how to leverage a podcast. He thinks every business should have a podcast. However, that is not simply a position that advances the industry. Jason explains how a good podcast can communicate your vision, enhance your brand, and win sales.

Leverage A Podcast Into A Sale

It is no secret that people buy from those they know, like, and trust. You can leverage a podcast to build the kind of relationships that lead to that know/like/trust trifecta. It is a medium that is often underestimated. Nevertheless, it provides a way to speak directly to your audience individually and create that link that we only get in a one-on-one conversation. You have your listeners' attention and can provide them with valuable information to help them and possibly lead to a sale for you.

About Jason

Jason Cercone is a podcast branding strategist, author, and experienced podcaster. He helps value-driven coaches and consultants establish authority and become thought leaders in their niche via strategic, impactful podcast guest appearances. He is also The Voice of Evolution of Brand, a podcast featuring authentic stories and strategies from brand-building professionals designed to help you grow your brand and succeed in your professional pursuits.

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