We continue our interview with Tanika De Souza of High Octane Teams and discuss how she has created a high-performing culture. Meanwhile, she provides many excellent ideas that have served her well in building out an organization comprised primarily of remote and off-shore workers. Some say culture is impossible in such a situation. However, she proves them wrong and gives us examples we can follow.

Building A High-Performing Culture

The core piece of Tanika's approach is respect for those who work for her. She treats them well, provides them with useful training, and they develop into excellent employees. Her approach brings the best back to her, and her reputation precedes her. However, the best part about how she built a high-performing culture is that there is nothing complicated. You can take some of these steps today and build your team or organization into one that people want to work for and with.

About Tanika

Tanika is the CEO of High Octane Teams (HOT) - She started her first business in 2009 and grew it to over 100 employees. HOT is an offshore staffing agency focused on systemizing your process to streamline growth. Her virtual staff is trained to create SOPs, systemize your business processes, and report KPIs for their department. She has extensive knowledge and expertise in hiring and managing teams.

Get In Touch

Use this link to book a free consultation. https://calendly.com/highoctaneteam/30min
You can also visit her website: "highoctane.team," to learn more about her organization and offshore options.