We wrap up our discussion with Adam Adams of Grow Your Show talking about precisely that. We look at what it takes to become a popular show and garner thousands or millions of listeners. This is where the rubber meets the road, and we explore a true podcast venture instead of a hobbyist side hustle.

The Key To Grow Your Show

When you run a business, it takes time to build up a following or a long client list. A podcast works the same way. There is more to it than simply getting your show on Apple podcasts. Thus, that is only the first step. People need to know your show exists, and that only happens with marketing and trumpeting your show to anyone that should listen to it. While there are many technical things to do to make your show entertaining, your key to success is going to be marketing. The better you win that game, the better your business will do.

A Little Background

Adam Adams is the founder of GrowYourShow.com where they help you get your message out to the world. Their clients are getting ranked in the top 1% on Apple Podcast and other top charts, which means ONE thing:

His clients have more influence than 99% of the podcasts out there.

Adam says the reason most podcasters fail is a lack of marketing. This is why his niche manages that critical piece so you can have more listeners, downloads, ratings, and reviews.

Adam has a loyal following in the real estate industry as well as the podcasting industry. After selling his real estate podcast (He actually sold his first show... I didn't even know you could do that), he launched the Podcast on Podcasting, ranked as the top podcast to help podcasters.

Connect With Adam

Your best bet in getting connected with Adam is through a discovery call, and you can set that up at
