We change gears and talk about how to dress with success with Robyn Balsley. Yes, even developers benefit from a first impression. Furthermore, that is important for remote and work-from-home employees. Professional dress is not just for those in the office. We can adjust those Zoom calls, but we still need to make a good impression.

Even Developers Need To Dress For Success

There is often a view of developers as poorly or casually dressed people that live in closets and crank out code. While that may not be far from the truth in your case, there is still a lot to be gained from professional attire. Robyn provides us with excellent ideas to improve how we are perceived and warnings about dressing too casually or unprofessional.

About Robyn

Want you and your team to feel confident and empowered every day? With Robyn's many years in sales, she understands too well that it takes 7 seconds to make a first impression. How do your clients perceive your team? People do judge a book by its cover!

Many companies are realizing how their employees dress, whether in person or remotely, matters more now than ever. Thus, Join Robyn Balsley, of Graceful Impression, for a Professional Styling Workshop where your team will learn how they show up, what affects their attitude and their performance, as well as the perception of them individually and the company as a whole.

The workshop includes a mindset analysis. They discuss the effect clothing has on the cognitive process, tips for organizing a closet to reduce overwhelm, and how to establish a capsule wardrobe. These will skyrocket confidence and improve performance. Likewise, It’s time to get back to dressing from head-to-toe, and not just from the waist up - it can truly make all the difference in winning or losing business!

As a style expert, she takes the stress out of getting dressed so that you and your team will feel confident and empowered daily and, in turn, be energized to achieve your goals.

Learn More Learn from Robyn: https://www.gracefulimpression.com/home#services-section Go to her website and sign up for bi-monthly blogs and learn more about her services.
Also, follow along on Instagram, where she gives daily tips on how to get dressed. https://www.instagram.com/gracefulimpression/

We change gears and talk about how to dress with success with Robyn Balsley. Yes, even developers benefit from a first impression. Furthermore, that is important for remote and work-from-home employees. Professional dress is not just for those in the office. We can adjust those Zoom calls, but we still need to make a good impression.

Even Developers Need To Dress For Success

There is often a view of developers as poorly or casually dressed people that live in closets and crank out code. While that may not be far from the truth in your case, there is still a lot to be gained from professional attire. Robyn provides us with excellent ideas to improve how we are perceived and warnings about dressing too casually or unprofessional.

About Robyn

Want you and your team to feel confident and empowered every day? With Robyn's many years in sales, she understands too well that it takes 7 seconds to make a first impression. How do your clients perceive your team? People do judge a book by its cover!

Many companies are realizing how their employees dress, whether in person or remotely, matters more now than ever. Thus, Join Robyn Balsley, of Graceful Impression, for a Professional Styling Workshop where your team will learn how they show up, what affects their attitude and their performance, as well as the perception of them individually and the company as a whole.

The workshop includes a mindset analysis. They discuss the effect clothing has on the cognitive process, tips for organizing a closet to reduce overwhelm, and how to establish a capsule wardrobe. These will skyrocket confidence and improve performance. Likewise, It’s time to get back to dressing from head-to-toe, and not just from the waist up - it can truly make all the difference in winning or losing business!

As a style expert, she takes the stress out of getting dressed so that you and your team will feel confident and empowered daily and, in turn, be energized to achieve your goals.

Learn More Learn from Robyn: https://www.gracefulimpression.com/home#services-section Go to her website and sign up for bi-monthly blogs and learn more about her services. Also, follow along on Instagram, where she gives daily tips on how to get dressed. https://www.instagram.com/gracefulimpression/