System security is a big business.  We see hackers in the news all the time, and no one wants to be the next victim that has to admit to a breach.  This allows security firms to charge top dollar for their services and consultation.  However, there are a lot of simple and inexpensive steps we can take to dramatically reduce the odds of being the next victim System Security Through Smart Procedures The first thing to consider is that most security breaches come about through human error.  The well-known breach of the DNC started with a phishing email.  The victim responded and gave up important credentials.  No high tech skills were needed.  This is buttressed by most famous hackers highlighting how they used social engineering instead of code hacking.  Why spend time hacking a password when you can easily guess it or can be given it through a well-worded email? Best Practices This is not to say that hacking does not occur.  There are pirates and coders with ill intent that can penetrate systems.  In fact, it seems that no system is truly impenetrable.  However, there are best practices that are easy to implement in our systems.  These procedures have been created by people working on both sides of the hacking equation to help us protect the most common loopholes and backdoors. Once again, we have a few steps that are easy to follow and that will dramatically reduce our risk out on the Internet. Links and Resources Simple Security Recommendations