The start of a new year can be the best time for cleaning your task list. Nothing says a fresh start like an entire new year ahead. However, we need to make sure we complete those year end tasks that can easily be forgotten. Some things on our to do list are too important to forget, but maintenance and accounting tasks can be glossed over. That can cause problems big and small.

Cleaning Your Task List Items From Last Year

An oil change is an example of those tasks that we can push off to another day or week. It will not make much difference for a short time, but if we forget it can cause major problems. There are many business tasks like this. They range from process activities like catching up documentation to preemptive tasks like testing fire alarm batteries and doing software audits. These are the things we do that can be overlooked because they do not immediately cause us pain. On the other hand, they can be crippling over time.

Clear The Decks

Get those tasks caught up before they get lost in the busyness of the near year. Then you will be set up for executing your plans for the year ahead. You have a nice long runway of twelve months ahead to execute and make this you best year yet.

Useful Articles And Episodes

If you need any motivation or fresh ideas as you get to work after the holidays then here are some past interviews and articles.

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