We have all heard that it is better to give than receive.  However, instead of taking it at face value, this is something worth looking at deeper.  In this episode, we look at how to live a life we love and passing that along to others through giving. Charity Is More Than Money The first thing to consider is that money is just one way we can give.  There also may be a number of ways you want to give back.  A charity is not the only avenue.  There are all sorts of causes and ways to help others besides the "needy."  Time can be given to a mentor program, helping youth, or pro bono work in your chosen field.  The key to this is to give for the joy and not to give yourself networking credit.  That is marketing, not charity. A Fuller Life The benefits to all of these options for giving are a lengthy list.  However, the key is to improve your life quality.  It is easy to get swallowed up in technology, business, and your entrepreneurial vision.  Thus, we have a danger of becoming soulless automatons and losing our connection to others.  Here are some ways to avoid going down that particular rabbit hole.