We start a discussion with Donna Dube of the CEO Amplify podcast and how to be a better CEO whether you are a company of 1 or 1000. It is easy to get lost in all we need to do as a CEO or even as an entrepreneur. Donna talks to us about ways to be better by avoiding common pitfalls.

Your Company Deserves A Better CEO

Every company deserves a leader that is focused on the things that help it grow. That focus must include the things that really matter, and then the lesser things should be delegated. We want to put each task on the plate of the person best suited to handle it. That is where the best leaders show their value. They find a way to get everything done without doing it themselves. We become better when we focus on the tasks that we do best.

About Donna

Donna is a certified Director of Operations, business growth strategist, and host of the CEO Amplify podcast.  She works with established online service-based business owners who are ready to make a bigger impact and maximize their profit. She is passionate about helping business owners work smarter, not harder. That helps them escape the hustle and grind culture and go from stressed out to confident CEO. 

With several years of experience in project planning and strategic growth planning with 6- & 7-figure businesses, she has seen the momentum that can happen in a business when the CEO leverages their time, talent, and tactics.

Amplify Yourself

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