In this final episode of the Agile Manifesto season, we look at the key takeaways we should have.  These items have been a focus throughout the season.  However, we can not ignore these critical aspects of "doing Agile right."  This agile principles summary will give us some items to consider as we try to improve as developers.

Satisfy The Customer

The final judge for any product is the customer.  You may try to provide the example of movies that have critics and reviews.  Nevertheless, the bottom line is always the essential indicator as to whether a product is successful.  We will not get our customers to use a product that does not properly solve a problem (or problems).  We must at least satisfy the customer to achieve this goal.  Therefore, it should always be our primary focus and the final arbiter of whether a decision is the best one.

Agile Is Not Always The Best Fit

We spent a lot of time reviewing how the Agile process is driven by the team and teamwork.  When a team is insufficient for a task, this process will not save them.  It might even make things worse.  When a team has one "weak link," we can overcome that obstacle and strengthen it.  On the other hand, multiple weak links make it too difficult to strengthen one without putting more burden on another.  One ends up trying to stop a flood by fixing one leak when many other leaks are apparent.

The Customer Is Always Right

This maxim is first and foremost in the world of Agile.  We implement solutions to satisfy them and use the team to do so.  The customer does not care about the process.  Thus, when you place constraints on the team or try to make them follow a process, you are missing our "why."  Make decisions based on how it will benefit the customer.  The only other excuse is an investment in getting better as the development process moves forward.

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Challenge of The Week: What did you take away from this season? How will you use this agile principles summary to improve your team or self?