Family is the basic foundation for social and economic development across the world, and particularly in Papua New Guinea (PNG). However, this foundation is often challenged by family and sexual violence (FSV). In order to support policymaking that fosters healthy, safe and secure families, research was conducted in Lae in 2018 and 2019 to better understand men’s and women’s perspectives of FSV.

Joshua Goa and Dunstan Lawihin of the University of Papua New Guinea discuss the research findings including men’s perspectives of the effects of FSV on their families; how men’s and women’s access and responses to recently established services and laws differ; men’s roles in addressing FSV and its effects on school children; and the strategies men have used for a harmonious home.

The discussion is introduced by research project members Miranda Forsyth, Associate Professor at the School of Regulation and Global Governance at The Australian National University, and Dora Kuir-Ayius, Lecturer in social work at the University of Papua New Guinea.

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Joshua Goa is a Tutor at the University of Papua New Guinea Social Work Strand.

Dunstan Lawihin is a Lecturer in Social Work and Coordinator of Field Education at the University of Papua New Guinea.

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