Speaker: Terence Wood, Research Fellow, Development Policy Centre, ANU.

In 2013 the Development Policy Centre conducted the first ever comprehensive survey of Australia’s aid stakeholders, canvasing their views of the Australian aid program. Since then Australian aid has changed dramatically: AusAID is no more, the focus of aid has shifted, and the aid budget has been cut dramatically. In 2015 the Centre re-ran the stakeholder survey, and the data from the two surveys provides a unique opportunity to examine the impacts of these changes. In his presentation Terence Wood revealed what the 2015 Australian aid stakeholder found. He looked at what has gotten better, and what has gotten worse, and offered suggestions for improving Australian aid.

Find the survey results here: https://devpolicy.crawford.anu.edu.au/aid-stakeholder-survey/2015

Find all AAC2016 presentations here: https://devpolicy.crawford.anu.edu.au/annual-australasian-aid-conference/2016/abstracts

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