Feedback is crucial to career growth as a developer. In today’s episode we tackle feedback from both the perspective of the manager and that of the developer. Managers will learn to give constructive and useful feedback. Developers will learn how to productively use feedback to improve themselves.

The benefits of feedback:

Improved communication and collaboration
Create learning opportunities for ways to improve
Increase comfort with taking risks, resolving mistakes
Improve confidence in abilities to tackle challenges and succeed.

Tips for giving feedback:

Give feedback in a positive and constructive manner
Public praise, private criticism
Give feedback unsolicited and often

Tips for recieving feedback:

All feedback is a learning experience
Be proactive and ask for feedback
Ask questions to gain a full understanding of feedback

Notes from this Episode:

How to Win Friends & Influence People by Dale Carnegie

Listener Challenges:

Tweet us shout out about someone on your team
Give public positive, unsolicited feedback in the next 24hrs
Ask for feedback from a co-worker/manager in the next 24hrs

Previous Episodes mentioned:

[The Importance of one-on-ones] 2