Previous Episode: Leading by Example

The skillsets you used to land your development job are useful well after the interview is over. In this episode we breakdown the lifecycle of an interview and highlight the many different interview type situations you experience as a developer. We explain each phase of the interview lifecycle and how to best prepare for it. Outlining actions to take and mindsets to apply to make sure it is a productive experience. In doing so, you will be able to represent the best of yourself in many other development situations.

Before an interview situation:

Do your research, learn who you are talking to and their motivations
Prepare: relevant experiences, questions to ask
Be prompt and ontime
Take a big breath, calm your nerves

During an interview situation:

Types of questions you will be asked: specific, problem solving, open-ended
Don’t answer questions until you have an answer. (pause and take a breath)
Answer honestly.
Always ask your own questions.

After an interview situation:

Always follow up and say thank you for the time.
Keep the conversation going with actionable next steps
No matter what, it is just the beginning of a relationship

How to answer interview type questions

Do not answer until you have an answer
Ask questions until you understand what is being asked
Be honest with your answer. If you don’t know, say you don’t know.
Say only what you need to, avoid filler.

Links from this episode

Being Geek: The Software Developer's Career Handbook *

Previous episodes mentioned

The three key phrases you need to know to be a great developer

Listener Challenges

Tell us how do you represent the best of yourself in an interview situation as a developer?
Share with us any relationships that have grown from an interview, share your stories.
We want to know: what is a crazy interview question you’ve been asked?

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