Hi! No spoilers about Avengers: Endgame in this Lesson!

Instead, Josh and Matt discuss how to prepare for the last few weeks of D&D at school. With only a few sessions remaining, planning out the agenda for the end of the campaign is critical. With a little planning, any DM can help their players make the most of their D&D game before the school year ends. Spoiler: There is a lot of planning and house keeping involved!

There are also a lot of puns and dad jokes.

Did these two teachers help motivate you to do your own year-end D&D planning? Then help Josh and Matt out by recommending Detentions and Dragons to a friend, teacher, or student. New listeners are the best way to help us grow as a podcast. Thanks again for all of your support!

Detentions and Dragons is a proud member of the Block Party Podcast Network! Check out our show and other great D&D and gaming podcast at https://www.blockpartypodcastnetwork.com/ or where ever you download podcasts!