On this special interview lesson, Matt is joined by Ashley Warren and Beth Ball! The topic: The RPG Writer Workshop.

Founded by Ashley Warren, the RPG Writer Workshop is an online class dedicated to helping aspiring writers learn to be better adventure designers. If you are interested in learning more about D&D one-shot design, mastering your writer's process, or learning  hints and tips to publishing your work, than consider signing up for the course Write Your First Adventure with the RPG Writer Workshop this fall!

The class starts November 1st! Registration closes on October 31st. Don't wait!

Check out this link for more information about the RPG Writer Workshop: https://www.rpgwriterworkshop.com/courses/write-your-first-adventure-f20

You can follow Ashley Warren @ashleynhwarren on twiiter. You can find out more about Ashley Warren and all of her project here: https://www.scribemind.com/

You can follow alum of the RPG Writer Workshop, Novelist, and D&D adventure designer @GroveGuardian on Twitter. You can find out more about her writings and projects at https://bethballbooks.com/links/

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