On this special interview lesson, Josh and Matt are joined by Beth and Jonathan Ball. The topic: Running two-players Dungeons and Dragons games.

D&D is traditionally viewed as a game designed for large groups of players. However, a D&D campaign with a one dungeon master and one player is not only viable but also an exciting and rewarding to play D&D. In this interview, Jonathan and Beth discuss with Matt and Josh the basics of a one-on-one D&D game, the benefits of playing a two person campaign, and some pitfalls to avoid during your first D&D duet.

If you are interested in learning more about Beth and Johnathan Ball, you can check her website here:


You can connect with Johnathan on social media here:

Twitter: @DndDuet

You can also check out a lot of their supplements and products here:


(just search Beth Ball or Johnathan Ball)

Did this interview inspire you make start a D&D duet with a family member or friend?

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