Josh and Matt are joined by Tom Cantwell of the RPG Academy! The topic: How to Create Dynamic and Memorable NPCs!

Raise your hand if you have created an NPC on the fly? Raise your hand if you have created an NPC named Steve on the fly more than three times. Creating NPCs can be hard. On this special interview lesson of Detentions and Dragons, Josh and Matt interview Tom Cantwell about ways to make NPCs fun, memorable, and make the process of NPC creation more manageable. This is one of our wildest and funniest interview to date. Plus, you be better at NPC creation once you have listened to it!

If you are interested in learning more about Tom Cantwell

You can check out the website for the RPG Academy here:

You can check out The RPG Academy podcast on iTunes here:

You can check out his Ghosts of Saltmarsh Real Play Podcast here:

You can contact him on social media here:

Twitter: @BeskarTom

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